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Rules and regulations

1st category (a & b)

1st a) category

Female singers
- born in 2009 or younger
Male singers - born in 2007 or younger

1st b) category
Female singers - born in 2007 or younger
Male singers - born in 2005 or younger

2nd category
Female singers - born in 2005 or younger
Male singers - born in 2003 or younger

3nd category
Female singers - born in 2003 or younger
Male singers - born in 2001 or younger

4th category
Female singers - born in 2001 or younger
Male singers - born in 1999 or younger

5th category
Female singers - up to 32 years of age
Male singers - up to 32 years of age

6th category (a & b) - Vocal Ensembles:
Female and male singers up to 32 years of age
7th category (a & b) - Musical:
Female and male singers up to 32 years of age

Competition programme

The programme for each category is as follows:

1st category
(a & b)

One Aria Antica

One solo song (free choice)

2nd category

One Aria Antica

Two solo songs (free choice)

3rd category

One Aria Antica

Two solo songs (free choice)

One opera or oratorio aria

4th category

One Aria Antica


One oratorio aria


Two solo songs (free choice)

One opera aria

5th category*

1st round - two chosen opera arias


2nd round - two chosen opera arias


* exclusively opera arias, NOT operetta arias!

6th category
Vocal Ensembles

a) Opera ensembles


- free choice Opera program lasting min. 8 and max. 20



b) Chamber music ensembles


- free choice Chamber music program lasting min. 8 and max. 20



* in this category you can apply music program

ORIGINALLY written in the form of a duet, terzet

or a larger vocal ensembles with piano and / or

other instrumental accompaniment

7th category

a) Musical solo

- 3 songs from the musicals of free choice (with piano accompaniment obligatory)


b) Musical ensembles

- duets or bigger ensembles from the musicals

- free choice program lasting min. 8 and max. 20 minutes (with piano accompaniment obligatory) 

The programme should be performed from memory and in the original language. The performing order will be determined by drawing ordinal numbers soon after the entry deadline.


In the 5th category, the final result will be obtained by adding the points achieved in both rounds of the competition. The first round is not an elimination round.


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